Dan Brennan Presents On The “Red Flags of Construction Fraud”
Dan Brennan shared his knowledge and experience on the “Red Flags of Construction Fraud” at the National Association of Construction Auditors (NACA) Annual Conference in Las Vegas earlier this month.
Dan joined Bradley Preber and Seth Snyder of Grant Thornton to provide project auditors, accountants and other construction team members with tips for identifying, addressing and preventing construction project fraud, such as bid rigging, collusion, overbilling, bribery and kickbacks. During the presentation, Dan focused on the potential legal consequences of fraudulent activities on construction projects, including civil and criminal liability under antitrust law and the False Claims Act.
For more information regarding the “Red Flags of Construction Fraud,” please contact Dan Brennan at dbrennan@lauriebrennan.com.
For more information regarding the National Association of Construction Auditors, please visit https://thenaca.org/.